Thursday, December 25, 2008

Emergency fund (rule 2)

Six months to a year emergency fund is a guideline and it is important for every employee such like me.

Definition emergency fund for Azizi is

“The whole concept of the emergency fund is to have money to cater for financial emergencies, which all of us face.”

This is my experience when I quit as a planter and join as land surveyor in year 2005. It is a tough period where my income reduce to 1/3 of my previous income. Moreover, the following year, I get my Danish. Can you imaging the situation? Money….money… is always in my mind and force me to dig all my emergency fund until empty.

If I do not have emergency fund which I have prepared before I resigned. I believe I will back to plantation again.
This is what I told my boss yesterday. “Self-prepared”.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How did you clear your credit card debt?

Credit card debt will be a nightmare if you are not trying to clear it. 18% interest per annual is no a joke and perhaps you can declare as bankruptcy. The initial step I will take is control my expenses while shopping and the best let your wife know the situation. If you still can not control then it is better to use cash to purchase and your credit card debt would not increase. Another solution is avoid high interest charges from credit card is borrow money from your parents or siblings to clear the debt. Do not feel shy to ask and perhaps when refund the money, give some additional money as thankful or “interest”. But if you have saving in hand then it is better to dig the saving rather than borrow from others. My previous experience reminded me that plan your credit card usage before you fall in this financial trap.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

6 rules of thumb for managing money

1 ) Save 10% of your monthly income (rule 1)

Saving….saving…..saving…..this is what my mum told me when I was young. We need to save before we are able to buy what we want.

While, Azizi Ali in his book “Millionaires are from a different planet” stated that

“this is good for people who have just started work and would like to take control of their finances. Obviously, more is better. As you grow wiser, your finances should improve, and your savings rate should also increase.”

I graduated from University on year 1998 and the economic crisis occurred during the year. However, I was luckily because I was employed by a plantation company which is not related to my degree. Who border? Important is the monthly paycheck.

Even through the monthly paycheck is less than RM2K per month but my expenses is minimum. People say save 10% but my definition is difference-use 10%. No people believe it. I know I am poor but I am young. Save is one of method to escape from “poor” cycle.

My working environment is totally difference from others industry. I stay in estate. Company provide me accommodation (bungalow lot) and vehicle (motorcycle). What I need to do is learn the plantation work and receive the monthly paycheck. Sound easy and good for me as poor guy.

My conclusion is if you want to become rich then plantation is one of the option. Inside the industry you only work for money with minimum expenses (10%) but no entertainment.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

New house

Today I can feel the pain on the whole body after shifted to new house. For the past 3 days, my wife and I woke up at 6am before my naughty danish disturbed us.

I really solute my wife, she can wake up 4am this morning to clean the house. She told that she could not sleep at new place compare with me and danish. Both of us can sleep wherever there have pillow......this is the great of danish and his papa.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Irfan Khairi Jutawan Muda

Memperoleh keuntungan lumayan hingga mampu bergelar jutawan padausia muda menjadi impian setiap insan. Pierre Omidyar, pengasaslaman lelongan menerusi internet yang lebih dikenali sebagai eBaymenjadi jutawan pada usia yang belum pun mencecah 30 tahun.Berikutan kejayaan Omidyar, mendorong anak muda tempatan lulusan ijazah Sarjana Muda Reka Cipta Multimedia dari UniversitiStaffordshire, United Kingdom [UK], Irfan Khairi, menceburi perniagaan sendiri di Internet.Pemuda kelahiran Perak, tetapi dibesarkan di Selangor dan sekarangmenetap di Seremban ini mengaplikasikan sepenuhnya pengetahuanInternet dan Multimedia yang dipelajarinya untuk menjadi jutawanmuda seawal umur 25 tahun. Tidak ada siapa yang menduga, anak muda yang agak pemalu dan sentiasa merendah diri ketika di bangkusekolah itu berjaya duduk sama rendah dan berdiri sama tinggidengan tokoh jutawan Internet yang lain.Menyoroti sejarah sebelum memegang status itu, Irfan setelah habispengajian ijazah pertamanya menerima tawaran bekerja di salahsebuah syarikat teknologi maklumat [IT] terbesar di Birminghamiaitu Netmedia [UK] Ltd.Sebagai pereka sistem multimedia dan perunding Internet, beliaubertanggungjawab mereka cipta sistem pembelajaran Internet untuksekolah-sekolah di UK yang dikenali sebagai Learning Grid. Sekaranglebih daripada 5000 buah sekolah di UK menggunakan sistem tersebut.Oleh sebab minat dan pengetahuan yang mendalam dalam bidangInternet dan perniagaan, beliau mula berjinak-jinak dalam bidangperniagaan Internet secara sambilan pada 1999. Selepas mendapatipendapatan daripada perniagaan Internet miliknya itu bertambahberlipat kali ganda, beliau mengambil keputusan untuk berhentikerja dan menumpukan sepenuh perhatian kepada perniagaan tersebut.Semenjak itu, Irfan hanya bekerja sepenuh masa dari rumah denganhanya menggunakan komputer riba dan Internet. Dalam masa tiga tahunberoperasi, salah satu perniagaannya memperoleh keuntungan bersihsebanyak RM 1 juta tanpa pekerja dan peralatan komputer canggih.Modal permulaannya hanya RM500.Ditanya sejak bila mula terfikir untuk terlibat secara serius dalambidang perniagaan seperti ini, Irfan dengan senyum yang tidakpernah lekang dari bibirnya menjawab, 'Ketika berusia 18 tahun ''Selepas Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia, saya mula memikirkan masa depanperniagaan ini. Saya berminat menceburinya setelah mendapat banyaksumber inspirasi melalui buku tentang kejayaan orang lain yang sayabaca,' Katanya.Kejayaan yang dimilikinya itu, memerlukan usaha yang bersungguh danterancang. 'Saya bukan bergelar jutawan dalam sekelip mata, tetapimengambil masa tujuh tahun untuk sampai ke tahap ini,'Katanya.Menurut Irfan, semuanya bermula apabila beliau mula berminatmendalami kejayaan orang lain dalam bidang-bidang tertentu. 'Sayadapati mereka berjaya kerana melakukan perkara yangdisukaai,'katanya.Meminati Bill Gates yang dianggap sebagai idolanya, beliaumenyatakan kekagumannya terhadap manusia paling kaya di dunia itu.'Saya kagum dengan idea, konsep yang diketengahkan oleh beliau.Bill Gates juga seorang ayah yang baik. Walaupun beliau orang yangterkaya di dunia, tetapi masih tetap merendah diri.Kalau boleh sayaingin menjadi seperti beliau.''Dari awal hingga menjadi kaya, beliau buat perkara yangdiminatinya iaitu pengaturcaraan [programming], Beliau menjadi kayasebab buat perkara yang diminatinya. Saya juga selalu sarankankepada peserta bengkel kendalian saya supaya buat perkara yangmereka minat, jangan terikut-ikut dengan industri yang kita sendiritidak tahu keadaannya. Kalau hendak mencapai kejayaan sebenarnyaindustri apa-apa pun boleh tetapi yang paling panting, kita minat,'jelas beliau.Ditanya tentang kelebihan perniagaan Internet, Irfan berkata,'Kemudahan Internet sebenarnya memberikan potensi cukup luas dalammemperluas perniagaan dan kita boleh berniaga apa-apa sahaja diluar sana. Jenis perniagaan itu pula bebas asalkan mendapatpermintaan.'Menurut Irfan lagi perniagaan itu sesuai diceburi oleh siswazahmenganggur kerana mereka mempunyaai pelbagai kepakaran bidang yangboleh diniagakan menerusi internet, asalkan mereka celik IT,mempunyai peralatan komputer, dan kemudahan Internet.'Perkara yang penting ialah kesungguhan dan yakin terhadap potensidiri untuk menjadi yang terbaik dan peluang menjadi jutawansebenarnya terbuka luas untuk semua orang, ' tambah beliau.Perniagaan Internet beliau yang menggunakan nama IdeaBubble,sehingga sekarang telah berkhidmat untuk lebih daripada 3000 orangpelanggan dari serata dunia. Kebanyakannya dari Amerika Syarikat,UK,negara-negara Eropah, Timur Tengah, Jepun dan Australia.Antara perniagaannya yang berjaya termasuk mereka cipta E-book,mereka cipta laman web dan grafik, perkhidmatan SEO [Searca EngineOptimization ], Menjual peta, penempahan hotel, perundingmultimedia, E-Niaga, dan e-pembelajaran.Irfan juga tidak lokek berkongsi kejayaannya malah menulis bukuberjudul, Rahsia Jutawan-Jutawan Internet Terbongkar, kepada orangramai yang berminat mempelajari teknik berkesan untuk menjalankanperniagaan Internet. Dalam buku tersebut, beliau mencadangkansupaya pembaca yang ingin menjalankan perniagaan Internet hanyamenjual satu produk atau perkhidmatan sahaja untuk setiap laman webyang dibangunkan kerana ini memudahkan mereka mencapai kejayaan.Tidak ketinggalan beliau juga memberikan beberapa panduan bagaimanapembaca boleh membangunkan laman web mereka sendiri. Buku setebal158 halaman terbitan Truewealth Sendirian Berhad ini berguna untukmereka yang merancang untuk menjalankan perniagaan Internet.Sehingga sekarang, Irfan mesih bekerja sepenuh masa di rumah denganpenuh selesa menggunakan Internet sebagai sumber pendapatanbersama-sama isteri dan sepasang cahaya mata. Katanya, hidup mestiditeruskan walaupun sudah bergelar jutawan.'Walaupun harta akanditinggalkan setelah mati, tetapi berfikirlah bahawa pekerjaan yangkita lakukan hari ini adalah untuk kesenangan 1000 tahun lagi.Maka, wajib bekerja dan bekerja'

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Insert Adsense Into Blogger Body Post

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How to Become Rich using banker 's money

Book need to read for property investor

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Danish celebrate his 2nd birthday

Danish's Birthday cake

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Look for Malay song

If you are looking for Malay song, please kindly visit

Example Hanya Kau Yang mampu & Ayat-ayat cinta are in this blog.

Great and thank you

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The fun of having a blog

Blog is a trend in this new generation. There are many kinds of blog appeal in everyday and the common is the personal blog. It is something like our diary but the difference is the whole world can see your “diary”. Thus, writing in blog is no confidential and you have the freedom to express yourself.

I used to read others blogger post and I noticed some blogger is really giving us useful information content. This is the purpose why we surf in internet.

The existing of Blog creates a space for us to give “idea” on a particular topic. Sometime we found that difficult to voice out in reality and you can use this tool to fulfill your dreams.

Blog is an internet virus. Why I say blog is an internet virus? This is because when you post your article or content into your blog then it will spread all over the world. Where my article will go? I cannot answer this question because your article will appear when there is a demand.

Anyway, I think how many people read your article is not an important issue for this article. As I mentioned early, blog is “diary”. The function of diary is to jot down important event, data, formula, tips, comment etc. The normal diary is our “secret” book. If you have a lot of secret and you share with public. It will a great action and will be highly appreciated.

Writing in blog is not a professional work but you can make it professional. I understand that writing need a skill but do not treat writing as a part of your work. Blog is a fun. You can talk nonsense and I have received a comment that I am writing “stupid” article. What you care, just ignore him and keep write in your blog.

This is a normal respond I used to hear-“I do not have idea”. Idea comes from anyway. Lets us treat blog as coffee shop. There are borderless in coffee shop because you can talk whatever you like. However, please bear in mind that do not insult government then you will get trouble. Take a pen and start write. You will get an amazing article at the end.

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

Digg this-Bad Management

Boss told me on yesterday that one of our client complaints that we do not follow up the case until cause of later issue of QT.

Who should blame? I think the entire company should be responsible and do not point finger on each other. We should treat this weakness as part our objective. There is to serve client more efficient. This is why ISO is important in management because the system ensure the company follows the rule and condition. Even through the system involve of a lot of paper work but the system really works for a company.

We are a professional company and if we cannot manage our company well. How the client can trust us and given us the project to handle. This is nitty-gritty in business environment.

If you are a share investor then you will notice that usually a well growth company has an excellent management team. They are the core player whom runs the business.

From my experience in estate management, I can say that everybody is a manager. What is the definition of manager? Manager come from manage. Example a father is a manager for a family where he will manage family financial for instant. There is no reason why we cannot train people as manager.

I still remember there was a senior planter told me that “Why we are given the title of estate manager?” The answer is simple because you are well train in managing a property and generate income for an owner.

Management is an art of how you manage people to work for you. You should equip yourself with information and knowledge before you are able to manage the company. This is because in management you need to train people and ensure your people work for you. There is main keyword in management.

Management is a wide scope of discussion because management is not like mathematic “1+1=2”. You may be able to get three and this is the beauty of art management.

Employee Handbook Templates To Help You Manage Your Staff In Half The Time. Create Instant Human Resource Policies And Procedures For Australian Small To Medium Businesses. Also Employee Performance Reviews: Tips, Templates & Tactics Ebook.
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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Secret of house loan

My wife read an article regarding house loan from a magazine recently and she tried to discuss with me on this morning. I read the article and found that it was a good article for discussion especially those have house loan with bank. The writer is kind to write the article regarding house loan and share some useful information in the article.

In the article, the writer commented that banker took advantage from the loan owner such as us. They claimed that the banker will charge us 2.5 times interest of the actual loan we borrow. I can not deny that the banker is taking advantage from us and this is why some people say banker is “legal” loan shark.

What choice we have beside borrowed from bank? Never think about loan shark if you do not want trouble in your life. We can not buy a property with cash unless you have prepared such huge amount for the property. Buying a property is no cheap and the cheaper is the low cost house. The market of low cost house is around RM30,000 but recently I did a strata title at Shah Alam, some people want to sale their low cost house at RM70,000. RM70, 000 to get a low cost house, do you want to invest? Difference places have difference price. Price of property seldom decreases. Another reason why people rarely pay cash for the property is because to avoid income tax to check on you.

The role of Banker in house loan

Bank is a place where we can borrow money legally to purchase property. Nowadays, there are many loan package, you can either choice fix interest rate or BLR interest rate. What is main difference of these 2 (two) package?

What is fix interest rate house loan?

Basically, fix rate interest house loan is a rate agreed by loan owner to banker and this rate can not be changed even through the inflation is high. Let me describe in example; the concept of this package is loan owner only know one figure to be paid to the banker for a certain period, such as monthly installment RM800 for 30 years. If you select this package, what you need to do is pay RM800 every month without fail before you get the penalty from banker. The advantage of using fix interest rate know your monthly installment wellDo not need to crack your head to seek for additional money if the interest rate is increase such as BLR packageSuitable for those has limited income group. The package is assisting them in budget their source income.

The disadvantage of using fix interest rate

The disadvantage is per described by the writer as below example:-
  1. Total loan is RM250,000
  2. Period of loan is 30 yearsInterest rate is 7.5% ( this is the lower rate I seem until this moment)
  3. Monthly payment is around RM1750

From the article, the write did a analysis for 3 stages

The first 12 years, the owner (refer to above total loan) need to pay RM250K and the owner still owe the banker 83% of the total loan.The following 10 years and there is 22 years of the loan period, the owner need to have this huge amount of money (RM462K). When can to this stage, the owner only settle for 50% of the total loan.Do you know how money to settle above loan? The answer is RM 630K.

I realize and agree with the above analysis from the writer where if we select fix interest rate package and we are going to pay the property such as 2.5 times of our initial loan.
I did check with the banker recently and they printed out a copy of how the fix interest rate system work. I just realize that the first three year, you will pay the banker interest rate and they only reduce a small amount of the total amount of loan. I should picture the graph for interest should decrease along the period and graph for loan increase along the period. You must be asking me what I try to tell you all. The interest amount is decreasing along the period means the initial stage of the loan period, the loan owner only pay interest amount rather than total loan. These 2 (two) amount will be equal after a period such as 22 years as what the writer try to tell us. This is the strategy by the banker. You will be regret if you select this option package because it happen to my wife also.

Leverage banker

Here is my personal view and perspective regarding the writer comment on above matter.
For those people buy a house to stay and fall into the banker’s “trap” then you should follow the writer recommendation. Discuss with the banker again or appoint a qualified financial consultant specialize in house loan to reduce your high interest rate.

However, if you are buying a property to rent then we can not follow above recommendation. In this case, you need to utilize banker as your leverage to own the property and generate income for you. Why I say like this?

As I mentioned earlier, seldom people will buy a property by cash. So, the alternative is using bank money to generate money for you. How to do it?

Normally, we need to prepare 10% down payment for the property. Say the property is RM100,000 then 10% equal to RM10,000. You need such amount for property investment. After that, the next 90% should get bank loan to settle for you. Another advantages of using bank loan is the package usually come with the insurance. Subsequently, your property will be protected.

For property investment, I refer fix interest rate so that I can know how much I need to rent out my property. A basic guideline to generate income by property.

Now, let us see how the system works to generate income by borrow bank money.
Say you are paying RM200 per month for your house loan until 30 years and you are able to rent the property by RM150. This is telling you that the person rent your property is paying your house loan indirectly. This example you still need to top up another RM50. How about after 10 years, I can guarantee that your rent rate will increase according to growth of our nation economic but your monthly installment to bank is remain RM200. Can you see the profit margin you will gain from this package.

Perhaps after 30 years, your house rent increase to RM300 and you are gaining RM1,200 per annual without paying a single cent to the bank.

However, there is a risk where your property is vacant or no tenant then you need to pay the RM200 to bank. To avoid this problem, advertise your property when there is no tenant. Maintain the property well is vital to get higher rate of rent.

My conclusion is house loan package need to suit your demand. If you buy property to stay then use BLR package and settle as earlier as possible.

While if you buy a property for investment tool then you should consider my comment. Do not pay off because you are able to invest more properties rather that depend on one property.

Click Here!To see Fast Payoff Techniques For Mortgages.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

How are you dealing with the increase in the price of petrol

First, cease using high consumption fuel vehicle while travel in city/town and try to have a small c.c. vehicle such like Kancil or motor.

Secondly, while having your breakfast at home. Refresh what you need to go and plan the road route to avoid unnecessary traffic conjunction.

Thirdly, settle the entire bill by one stop centre such as e-banking where you can easily do in front of PC without travel.

Lastly, for those businessman/ businesswoman fully utilized the internet facilities to correspond with your client such as e-mail, internet phone, net-meeting and etc.

I wish above system can reduce our fuel burden as a consumer and this is what I implement at the moment.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Top Young Internet Entrepreneurs This is the website I found on today. They are great teenages and we should learn from them.

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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Wife secret

Sometime when you come back from home and notice that your wife look difference from usual day. Then as a husband, you should be thinking what is happening to my wife. Talk to her if she gives opportunity to discuss. This is the nature of female. They are sensitive and emotional compare with male. Sorry to say for those successful corporate woman. Even through they are successful in their sector but this behaviour still remain in their soul. This is a beautiful of Him. He is a great creator where He generate a nature environment. In chinese, we call it yin & yang environment or in general term, we call it positive (+) or negative (-). Male is categoried in Yan while female are in Yin group.
Nowadays, we can listen many divorce cases either in western and eastern countries. From my observation, I realised that the rate of divorce is higher in well developed state or country. Let us see back our grandfather or grandmother time, did you heard about this wording. I do not think they know such word because they are poor. This is the main key word. Do you realise that most of the divoice parent are highly educated or in "rich" categories.
Why divoice happen? There are many reason behind it.
1. Communication
Lack of communication is part of the reason. Most of the parent in city are working and hardly they are able to talk. If you are in this category. I would like to say that you need to work hard either in working environment or in family environment. Every male (husband) are responsible to earn income for a family but today woman also force to carry this burden. Thus, we can see this is a difficult situation where husband and wife need to work to survive in city life. Usually, both parties will be exhausted when they reached home. Who will be prepared the dinner? For me, definately my wife because she is better in cooking. I am luckily because my wife only a housewife and she will take care all the home matter. I do not know how those working parent manage their home.
Please bear in mind that a successful home is a combination of coorperation and responsible from husband and wife. Do you still remember how you tackle your wife before marriage? I sure you marry a beautiful and lovely wife. A lot of young man will do "crazy" things to attract female including me. If you calculated the cost you invest in your marriage, it should be very costly. Am I right? The question now is are you still buy present for your "girlfriend" after marriage. The respond is very sadly. A lot of excuses from male especially you have dozen of children.
2. Behaviour
Female used to clean area and this is why they like their home in neatly and hygience. While male explode to working environment and usually have "male smell". Before marriage, your "girlfriend" like your smell but after she controls you. She will attempt to avoid this smell spread to other females. They will ask you to change cloth when weather is hot. They do not mind to wash because they want their husband in neat and clean. Thus, as a husband. tolerance with your wife and we should be grateful because we always in clean and handsome.
3. Positive in problem solution
We can not deny that forming a home is not an easy task. Any kinds of problem can be facing by us. There is no point a couple quarrel because it would not benefit any side. Image how you are able to marry your "girlfriend" since there are many pretty girls surrounding you. Is it amazing? This is faith where He arrange on the top there. This is where you and your girlfriend has same point then subsequently with His great power. He merge you and your girlfriend in harmony. Since you and your wife now in the same mode. Why we can not solve small matter in our life? This is why choice your life partner is vital. I was young before, the first impression is a girl appearence. Everybody like to see beautiful girl including me. There is the first option when we select our life partner. Secondly and I can say it is an important factor in successful marriage. The attitude of the girl. Thirdly, the religious. Religious is something like a backbone of a happiness home. You can have pretty and successful wife but do not have religious thinker. Then, your home is not perfect yet. Religious is a path that guilde you to lead a hapiness family.
Wife secret is a wide scope and I am unable to tell everything. I just want to share some after I become a husband. Everyday, I am in the proceed of learning to become a perfect husband. Loyal and love your life partner will guarantee your home.

Click Here!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

How do you manage your credit cards responsibly?

Firstly, I would like to emphasis that use this leverage wisely and treat your credit cards as your cash in your wallet. When purchase with credit card, please ensure that you have such amount to pay back when credit card bill arrive on the beginning of the month. Secondly, I used to monitor my credit card expenses weekly to ensure that no overspend occur. If happen then I need to inform my wife to reduce the balance expenses. Finally, my advice is pay in time because the moment your payment late. Then additional charge will be appeared on the following month.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

RM20 for streamyx

Please kindly visit streamyx website RM20 for streamyx.

Earn income from adsense is a Malaysian that he tell us how he earn income through adsense program. This is good for malaysian because his blog all written in malay that all the malaysian can be easily undestand how to earn income by adsense program. Please kindly visit his blog.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Celcom contest

Just now I received a sms mentioned that I will reward RM 15,000 & reload credit amounted RM250. I also very excited and make the phone call from the sms. However, the line has been terminated. Thus, I search in net and noticed that it is a spam. So, be careful of this sms.

Happy mother day

Thursday, May 08, 2008

Mymode prepare business

Couple weeks ago, I am discussing about the prepare card business and I have registered with mymode by RM65 only. After we registered, we will provided a website account to monitor our business status as below diagram.

Look at above, I transferred the sign up fee on 23/4/2008 to Mymode and it rebate me RM11.00. So, in actual the sign up fee only RM54 only.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finishing Line

Yesterday, I have simple chit-chat with my boss while we were returning from Johor. He told me that his has some senior friends that still enjoy their life by talking about woman or girl. Most of them are drunker but to my boss. He attempt to pin-point the existing way of life to these "independant group". They do not know meaning of life and nobody is guilding them. Thus, my boss used to joke with them regarding the topic of "finishing line" to them to eable them to think why the meaning of life.

Boss is correct. Nowadays, people is chasing money and ignore the resposibity to social or family and subsequently create a problematic society environment. Chilren no respect parent, divoice, affair, suiside.......(too many to mention).

What is "Finishing Line"? The time when you are going to leave your life. Where you are heading? Are you self prepare? There many questions in this topic can be discussed.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Free sign up as member of BuyNow2U

Is monday again? Most of us will be busy in your working environment. Today I check the website statistic and noticed that some people are interesting. Below is the method how to sign up. This is free of charge.

What you need is a handphone that I believe most of the people have one.
Please type as below:

NoHP_Upline is 0196529586.

then you will be informed shortly. Thank you for trying if you want to learn e-commence by sms. Thank you.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

RM60 per month to have computer is no the dream

My dear friend, computer is an important tool in our life but usually low income eaner can not able to have one. But today you are able to have one computer by paying RM60 per month. It is real. Please kindly visit this website to get more information Thank you.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sofian Yusof

Today I read Sofian Yusof latest news from

and A maths genius become a porn model. Can not believe it.
God (Him) give us brain to think and analysis. But why a genius can not utilise their brain to think. Is the false from parents, culture environment or government?
Look at our parent attitide nowadays. Every parent want their children to get as many A as possible. My question now is with the A. Can these innocent child success in their life in future. Sofian Yusof is one of the example. She is a genious. By her ability, I can guarantee she is able to earn a wonder from us. But why she do this immoral attitude. Are she unhappy with their parents or other things.
Lets us think back. Why a child can become wild? Nobody can stop them to become wild. They want express theirself but the problem is they can not and subsequently. This is want we can see nowadays.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Time to submit income tax

30 April 2008 will be the last day of submitting of income tax form. Thus, re-act now before late. I have received an email on last month that I will not received any hardcopy of income tax and I need to submit through e-Filling.

Firstly, we need to get the pin number to proceed in e-Borang. So, please call this 03-42893535 or email to get your pin number. You will be requested to fax or email your Identity card to enable them to check your income tax reference.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Melaka Chief Miniter's Blog

Well done our Melaka chief minister. This is the best solution where CM able to listen more comments especially from the new generation and professional bodies. Nowadays, blog no only is a tool for teenages. It plays an important role especially the new generation express themself. There are many unhappiness occured in our nation and I think our Malaysian need a leader that he/she able to work for nation & Malaysian.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Back to village

The fun of childhood

Danish eat ais cream

Danish new company

Danish with cat