Child Money Management
Debt, Debt Management, bankruptcy, credit card debt, financial planner,budgetting, credit counselling, money management, children money management
Debt, Debt Management, bankruptcy, credit card debt, financial planner,budgetting, credit counselling, money management, children money management
Nowaday we can notice that pretty of youngsters trapped into debt and subsequently end with bankruptcy especially in credit card debt or loansharp loan. Thus, child money management is vital to enable this younggeneration to get rid from debt. This is the question of the month fromPersonal Money. "What is the most important money management lesson youwould tell your children".
As a parent, firstly I think responsible to educate our generation in value ofmoney is important. We need to tell them the hardship money we earn and secondly,Show good example in spending while shopping period. List the items we wanted for daily use and allow them to choice for us. Open saving accout for our child isfirst step to enable them to appreciate the money we give to them. Encourage our baby to save even 10 cents per day because end of the day. They will accumatedwealth for them. Joint-venture investment. Guild them in investment where they areable to see the return of the investment such as property.