Wednesday, December 10, 2008

How did you clear your credit card debt?

Credit card debt will be a nightmare if you are not trying to clear it. 18% interest per annual is no a joke and perhaps you can declare as bankruptcy. The initial step I will take is control my expenses while shopping and the best let your wife know the situation. If you still can not control then it is better to use cash to purchase and your credit card debt would not increase. Another solution is avoid high interest charges from credit card is borrow money from your parents or siblings to clear the debt. Do not feel shy to ask and perhaps when refund the money, give some additional money as thankful or “interest”. But if you have saving in hand then it is better to dig the saving rather than borrow from others. My previous experience reminded me that plan your credit card usage before you fall in this financial trap.


McBudu said...

I have cut all the credit cards and return ALL to the providers! Now DEBIT cards come in handy, here and abroad. Internet shopping also safer. Now I have 3 debit cards, so far no problem at all! I feel free now!

melakaplanter said...

Can I know what bank provided debit card? What is the terms and conditions?