Thursday, April 24, 2008

Finishing Line

Yesterday, I have simple chit-chat with my boss while we were returning from Johor. He told me that his has some senior friends that still enjoy their life by talking about woman or girl. Most of them are drunker but to my boss. He attempt to pin-point the existing way of life to these "independant group". They do not know meaning of life and nobody is guilding them. Thus, my boss used to joke with them regarding the topic of "finishing line" to them to eable them to think why the meaning of life.

Boss is correct. Nowadays, people is chasing money and ignore the resposibity to social or family and subsequently create a problematic society environment. Chilren no respect parent, divoice, affair, suiside.......(too many to mention).

What is "Finishing Line"? The time when you are going to leave your life. Where you are heading? Are you self prepare? There many questions in this topic can be discussed.

1 comment:

McBudu said...

That finishing line? that is where NOT many people compete to reach... he he