I wake up early in the morning on this Sunday before 6 am because I feel sorry if I don’t write this article to one of the blogger’s friend, Carol. Even through I just meet you by net but I feel happy if this information can assist you in your lever problem.
According to New Penguin English Dictionary, liver is define as a large vascular glandular organ of vertebrates that secrets bile and causes changes in the blood, e.g. by converting blood sugar into glycogen.
Damage of liver is a normal disease especially in Asian and perhaps in this world because of daily polluted food we take and it happens to my uncles also. Nowadays, farmers are using all sorts of chemicals (herbicide and pesticide) to boost the product and the victim is us if we do not know how to handle of cleaning this toxic. We can’t see this toxic by naked eye and we are happy to see this fruit in fresh condition without any attach from insect. In fact the fruit is sprayed with chemical to avoid the pest attach. Good for fruit but no to human. Thus, our body is full of toxic which we are no alert. There are many methods to clean up from our body but involve of money.
Couple days ago, I read an article regarding walk to prolong our life in a paper. It is a part of basic exercise which people intend to forgive the benefit of walking. People are buying thousand of dollar tools for exercise but still end with disease. I noticed that most of the people do not like to walk and refer use a vehicle to move around which is bad to our health. Look at our grandfather generation, they are healthy even until senior age because they walk and work. No computer, no TV and their life are simple.
Here I would like to code one of my former foremen when I was a planter. I used to call him, Veerasamy and this year he should be 74 years old. He born on year 1930++ but he still fit to work. No, I should say he like to work because by working he can walk around and make his time fully occupy. I respect this senior Indian foreman. He is a simple and likes to share his view if you need him. He likes to walk and you hardly can see him sit at the house. He used to joke with me and say. “Tuan, our body similar to this tractor engine. If you don’t start regularly and subsequently it will condemn by itself.” I just laugh at that moment. But today I realize Veerasamy is correct. We need to look after our body before we regret.
In Chinese massage treatment; they claimed that our foot has inter-connected with all the organs in our body. Yoga practice also involved of our foot and doctor always encourage us to walk. Hence, I believe the creator is fair to us where He provide us 2 legs and He wants his follower to walk. Come, Carol. Follow me and WALK.